General Terms and Conditions

of Verkehrsmuseum Dresden gGmbH for booking educational activities offered by the museum

(As at: 1 June 2023)

1. Scope and subject matter of the agreement

The General Terms and Conditions apply to the contractual relationship between the customer and Verkehrsmuseum Dresden gGmbH (referred to in the following as Dresden Transport Museum) in connection with booking educational activities offered by the museum (summarised in the following as “activities”).

The General Terms and Conditions for booking educational activities offered by Dresden Transport Museum apply in addition to the general provisions of Dresden Transport Museum, in particular the Visitor Rules and the General Terms and Conditions for purchasing tickets for Dresden Transport Museum.

When booking a programme, customers shall recognise the General Terms and Conditions for booking educational activities offered by Dresden Transport Museum.

Dresden Transport Museum reserves the right to change these conditions at any time without giving a reason. Bookings that have already been made are subject to the General Terms and Conditions that were valid at the time of booking.

2. Activities and prices

The following activities are available and can be booked at Dresden Transport Museum:

  • Themed group guided tours for various target groups
  • Guided tours for families and individuals
  • Holiday activities for families, kindergartens, after-school clubs, and individuals
  • Children’s birthday parties
  • Guided tours in several foreign languages
  • Workshops
  • Lectures

The current activities can be found at any time on the website of Dresden Transport Museum. Activities published on the webpages of Dresden Transport Museum are non-binding and subject to change, unless an express binding assurance has been given to the customer.


The currently valid prices of Dresden Transport Museum apply. The current prices can be seen at any time on the website of Dresden Transport Museum. All prices are final prices.


Dresden Transport Museum reserves the right to adapt the activities and prices at any time. For activities that have already been booked, the prices that were valid at the time of booking apply.


3. Inquiries and conclusion of the contract

Customers may make an inquiry or booking by telephone or in writing to the visitor service of Dresden Transport Museum:

Customers may choose an activity and inquire about a certain day and time. Such inquiries are not considered binding bookings.

The visitor service then writes an informal response to the customer as quickly as possible to an e-mail address given by the customer to tell them whether a binding booking is possible.

Conclusion of contract:

The contract for the booked service between the customer and Dresden Transport Museum comes into effect when the visitor service sends the binding booking confirmation by e-mail.

4. Payment conditions

The booked service shall be paid directly to the museum box office in cash or by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, EC card), generally before the event begins.
The customer must show the binding booking confirmation (in digital or paper form) and will be issued the tickets for the booked service after payment.

After prior consultation between the customer and the visitor service, the customer may pay by invoice after the event.

Bookings confirmed by Dresden Transport Museum by e-mail in accordance with section 3 are binding and oblige the customer to pay for the booked service, unless it has been cancelled in good time (see section 6).
In the case of group activities with a flat rate, the customer is also obliged to pay the full amount, even if the actual number of participants is lower.


5. Conditions for participation

The scheduled times for booked services are binding. Customers are only fully entitled to the booked service if they appear punctually at the agreed time.

If the customer is more than 15 minutes late, Dresden Transport Museum is not obliged to perform the booked service. In this case, the customer will be charged the full price of the booked service as well as a processing fee of 10.00 € due for payment within 14 days.

If a booked service cannot be carried out by Dresden Transport Museum for good cause (e.g. force majeure, illness, technical reasons, insufficient number of participants), the customer will be refunded any payments they have already made or, alternatively, may arrange a different date free of charge. Further costs will not be reimbursed to the customer.

Limits to the number of participants:
  • For group guided tours and workshops, the maximum number of participants is 25 persons.
  • For activities with a limited number of participants, bookings will be considered in the order in which they are received, regardless of the booking method used.
  • For activities with a minimum number of participants, the binding booking confirmation is subject to the condition precedent that the minimum number of participants is reached by the registration deadline. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, the registered participants will be informed about the cancellation of the event. Tickets that have already been paid for will be refunded.
Underage participants:

If there are underage participants, they must be accompanied by at least one responsible adult who shall assume responsibility for supervising the underage participants during the entire visit to the museum.

Tour guides:

The activities are carried out exclusively by Dresden Transport Museum or by tour guides assigned by Dresden Transport Museum. The visitor service of Dresden Transport Museum is responsible for the choice of guide. Guided tours by third parties are not permitted.


The tour guide is entitled to terminate the tour if these General Terms and Conditions or the Visitor Rules are violated.

6. Cancellation / recission

6.1. Customer

Cancellations are only accepted by Dresden Transport Museum before a booked appointment begins.
Cancellations may be made by telephone (+49 351 8644-133) or e-mail ().
The date on which the cancellation notice arrives at Dresden Transport Museum is deemed the date of receipt. The customer shall bear the burden of proof.

Cancellation fees:
  • Cancellations up to 48 hours before the agreed date are free of charge.
  • Cancellations up to 24 hours before the agreed date are subject to a processing fee of 10.00 €.
  • In the case of later cancellations as well as no-shows, or a delay of the participants by more than 15 minutes, Dresden Transport Museum will not be obliged to carry out the activity and is entitled to charge 100% of the booked service fee, plus a handling fee of 10.00 €.

6.2. Dresden Transport Museum

Dresden Transport Museum is entitled to cancel activities for good cause (e.g. force majeure, illness, technical reasons, insufficient number of participants) and to terminate the contract at any time.
In this case, services that have already been paid will be fully reimbursed. Other claimed expenses will not be reimbursed by Dresden Transport Museum.


7. Liability

Dresden Transport Museum is liable according to the provisions of the law if it culpably violates a fundamental contractual obligation, or if damages claimed by the customer are due to intent or gross negligence on the part of Dresden Transport Museum. Provided that Dresden Transport Museum is not accused of wilful violation of the contract, its liability is limited to foreseeable, typically occurring damage. In all other cases, liability is excluded. Statutory liability for injury to life, limb or health remain unaffected by the limitations of liability.

Regardless of how financial order processing is done, Dresden Transport Museum is not responsible for any cases of fraud or cancellations due to the use of credit cards or other forms of payment. Dresden Transport Museum cannot be held liable for loss, damage or misuse of a ticket.


8. Data protection

Dresden Transport Museum processes customers’ personal data in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Federal Data Protection Act in the new version (BDSG new) as well as all other relevant laws (e.g. UWG, TMG etc.). The customer shall allow Dresden Transport Museum to pass on this data to third parties commissioned with performing the contract, insofar as this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract.

Notes on data protection can be found on the website of Dresden Transport Museum.


9. Final provisions

Should one or several provisions be or become partially or wholly invalid or lose their legal validity, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

The applicable law is that of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship between the customer and Dresden Transport Museum is the headquarters of Dresden Transport Museum in Dresden.

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